Patronage Grants awarded by the Fondation Napoléon in 2021

In 2021, the Board of Directors of the Fondation Napoléon awarded financial support for the following projects:
- Support for the publication of the forthcoming book En compagnie de l’impératrice, souvenirs de Miss Vesey;
- Support for the publication of the book Bigot de Préameneu, fidèle dignitaire de Napoléon, Hervé du Boisbaudry;
- Helping to finance a program of Napoleonic readings during the Festival “Flâneries d’art contemporain dans les Jardins Aixois“, partner of the label “2021 Année Napoléon;
- Contribution to the financing of a theatrical performance “La dernière salve“, partner of the label “2021 Année Napoléon”;
- Funding for the publication of the catalogue of the exhibition “Palais disparus de Napoléon”, by the Mobilier National [French National Furniture Repository], partner of the label “2021 Année Napoléon“;
- Support for the creation of a statue of Napoleon in Montauban, as part of the “2021 Année Napoléon” label;
- Contribution to the financing of the theatrical production “L’Aiglon”, partner of the label “2021 Année Napoléon“;
- Assistance with the audio recording and production of a CD of the performance “Si l’Empereur m’était chanté” (If the Emperor was a song), given as part of the events alongside the “Napoleon” exhibition at the RMN-GP/La Villette, a partner of the “2021 Année Napoléon” label;
- Support for the publication of the forthcoming book Enquêtes sur certains comptes privés de Napoléon III, by Denis Hannotin;
- Support for the publication of the forthcoming work Napoléon et la Prusse, by Michel Kerautret;
- Support for the publication of the proceedings of the study day “Destins croisés des Bonapartismes et des Napoléon de 1870 à nos jours“, directed by Jean-Philippe Rey (forthcoming);
- Participation in the subscription for the acquisition of the portrait of the Countess Lasalle by the Musée de l’Armée;
- Contribution to the publication of a book to be published on Étienne-Barthélemy Garnier.
22 March 2022