Fondation Napoléon Prize-giving ceremony (2020 and 2021 winners)

On Wednesday 8 December 2021, at the Mobilier National [French National Furniture Repository], Paris, the 2021 Study-Grant– and History-Prize-winners received their awards in the presence of the President of the Fondation Napoléon, Victor-André Masséna, Prince d’Essling, the Director of the Fondation Napoléon, Thierry Lentz, the Secretary General of the Prizes-and-grants jury, Laurent Theis, and the Director of the Mobilier National, Hervé Lemoine.
On this occasion, the 2020 History Prize winners and Grant winners were also given their prizes (last year’s ceremony having been cancelled due to covid). > See our photo album of the prize-giving ceremony (2020 and 2021)
The 2021 Grand Prix was awarded to Michel Kerautret, for his book Eugène de Beauharnais, fils et vice-roi de Napoléon [Eugène de Beauharnais, Napoleon’s son and Viceroy], (Editions Tallandier).
The 2021 Jury Prize went to Flavien Bertran de Balanda, for his study of Louis de Bonald. Philosophe et homme politique (1754-1840) [Louis de Bonald. Philosopher and politician (1754-1840)], (CNRS Editions). Read a description of these books in English
The MINOU AMIR-ASLANI Study Grant 2021: Arnaud Caleiras-Scuiller, The “Appel au Peuple” [Appeal to the People]. How to establish political legitimacy using the “blessed unction” of popular approval in 19th century France

8 December 2021