Fondation Napoléon Cercle d’études: winter programme 2020

The 2020 winter programme for the Fondation Napoléon Cercle d’études begins on Tuesday 14 January, 2020, at 6pm at the Fondation Napoléon in Paris, in our Salle Gourgaud lecture theatre, with a talk/book signing by Florence de Baudus on “the Princess Pauline Borghèse: a Bonaparte as famous as she is poorly understood”. Bookings open on 8 janvier 2020. Contact Gwenaëlle Houée, by email or by telephone on +33 (0)1 56 43 46 00.
The following 2020 Winter Programme talks include: “L’Impératrice Eugénie : l’éclat et l’exil (1853 – 1920)” by Maxime Michelet (on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the Empress Eugénie); “La trahison de Marmont, entre réalités et légendes”, by Franck Favier; “Le sexe sous l’Empire”, by Jacques-Olivier Boudon; “Napoléon et Dieu : un rendez-vous manqué ?”, by Marie Courtemanche; “Les sentiers de la gloire : faire la guerre pendant le Premier Empire”, by François Houdecek; and finally “‘Milano Capitale’: Du Foro Bonaparte à la Pianta dei Rettifili”, by Pierre Coffy on 31 March 2020.
Programme in detail (in French; update: 18 March 2020)
All talks are free and open to all. You must however reserve your seat. More information here (in French)
Online 19 December 2019