The Fondation Napoléon is a registered charity committed to the encouragement of the study of and interest in the history of the First and Second Empires, and the preservation of Napoleonic heritage.
The Fondation Napoléon is a registered charity committed to the encouragement of the study of and interest in the history of the First and Second Empires, and the preservation of Napoleonic heritage.
The Fondation Napoléon 2023 prizes and scholarships were awarded on 6 December at the “Hôtel de Sully” in Paris, the headquarters of the Centre des Monuments Nationaux since 1967. This year’s prize-winning authors were: • Grand Prix 2023 > Jean-François BRUN, La Grande Armée. Analyse d’une machine de guerre [La Grande Armée: Analysis of a war […]
The latest issue of Napoleonica the journal is now available on Cairn, free to consult, download or you can buy a print copy for the 7 €. The theme of this issue is the Camp de Boulogne. Contents: • Editorial, by Peter Hicks • From Pas-de-Calais to England: the cartographical arsenal of the imperial state secretariat, by Cécile Robin • Building […]
On Wednesday 23 August, 2023 in Lucca, Italy, Peter Hicks, international affairs manager at the Fondation Napoléon, and Roberta Martinelli, president of the association “Napoleon and Elisa: from Paris to Tuscany”, met Franco Mungai, manager at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, to prepare the digitisation of a collection of 233 letters by Elisa […]
On Friday 13 October 2023, three days before the anniversary of the tragic death of history and geography teacher Samuel Paty, who was beheaded on 16 October 2020 by an Islamic terrorist, a a French teacher, Dominique Bernard, was stabbed to death and three other people were injured, two of them seriously, by an Islamic […]
The appeal that the Fondation Napoléon launched in November 2022 (link in French) generated great interest. As of 31 January 2025, 727 donations were registered for a total of 211 125 €. These funds have already provided tangible support for young people learning about the Napoleonic period. First projects supported in 2023 : In accordance with […]