Fondation Napoléon patronage: Napoléon’s appartment at the château de Rambouillet restored

  • La salle de bain de l'appartement de Napoléon au château de Rambouillet, lors de sa restauration en juillet 2023 © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young
  • La salle de bain de l'appartement de Napoléon au château de Rambouillet, lors de sa restauration en juillet 2023 © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young
  • La salle de bain de l'appartement de Napoléon au château de Rambouillet, lors de sa restauration en juillet 2023 © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young
  • La salle de bain de l'appartement de Napoléon au château de Rambouillet, lors de sa restauration en juillet 2023 © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young


Since 10 December 2023, visitors to the Château de Rambouillet (near Paris) can once again visit Napoleon I’s appartment, which has just undergone a major restoration. The Fondation Napoléon provided support for the restoration of the Emperor’s bathroom.

The project was launched in 2022 by the Centre des Monuments Nationaux (CMN). The aim was to restore the entire appartment to its First-Empire splendour, by reducing the inconsistencies of subsequent interventions. The woodwork was restored, the floors consolidated, and the hangings and curtains restored on the basis of very precise inventories. The room was also refurnished thanks to acquisitions and loans from the Mobilier national. The Foundation also deposited a number of pieces from its collection to complete the ensemble.

Located on the first floor of the château, overlooking the Cour d’Honneur, Napoleon I’s suite comprises an antechamber, a bedroom and a bathroom in Marie-Antoinette’s former boudoir, which is distinguished by its antique-style painted decor. It was decorated in 1806 by Auguste Famin.

31 January 2024