Research Grants 2023
Research Grants 2023
In 2023, the Fondation Napoléon History Prize and Scholarship jury awarded scholarships to the following PhD students:
From the French Revolution to the end of the July Monarchy
- Amin BENYOUCEF, Le financement des infrastructures de transport pendant la Révolution française et le Premier Empire [Financing transportation infrastructure during the French Revolution and First Empire]. Thesis supervised by prof. Anne Conchon (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
- Yan DEMANGE, Le poids géopolitique du Royaume de Saxe dans la construction de l’Allemagne napoléonienne (1789-1815) [The geopolitical weight of the Kingdom of Saxony in the construction of Napoleonic Germany (1789-1815)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jacques-Olivier Boudon (Sorbonne University)
- Juliette MILLERON-BESENVAL, L’imprimerie nationale au travail (1793-1830) [The French National Printing Office at work (1793-1830)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Anne Conchon (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
- Pauline TEYSSIER, Encadrer et soigner la folie: une histoire politique, matérielle et sociale de l’hôpital de Charenton (1797-1825) [Managing and caring for madness: a political, material, and social history of the Charenton hospital (1797-1825)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jean-Luc Chappey (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
From the Second Republic to the end of the 20th Century
- Artem USHAKOV, Godefroy Cavaignac: biographie d’une légende républicaine oubliée [Godefroy Cavaignac: Biography of a forgotten republican legend]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jacques-Olivier Boudon and Éric Anceau (Sorbonne University)
19th Century Scholarships
- Baptiste DUMAS-PIRO, Le comte de Rambuteau, préfet de la Seine, et le patrimoine parisien (1833-1848): les ambitions d’une politique édilitaire à l’échelle de la capitale [The Count of Rambuteau, Prefect of the Seine, and Parisian heritage (1833-1848): the ambitions of a capital-wide educational policy]. Thesis supervised by prof Barthélémy Jobert (Sorbonne University)
“MINOU AMIR-ASLANI” grant 2023: Chloé CHATRIAN, Les enfants combattants dans les armées françaises au XIXe siècle : expériences et représentations [Child combatants in 19th-century French armies: experiences and representations]. Thesis supervised by prof. Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
► Read the résumés of these PhD topics (in French)