2021 Année Napoléon > Faculty of History, University of Warsaw

On 14 and 15 May 2021, in commemoration of the bicentenary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte (1821-2021), the History Faculty of the University of Warsaw is organising a symposium on the theme “The memory of the Napoleonic era in the past and today”.

For further details, please contact Marta Tomczak et Hubert Korzeniowski, of the University of Warsaw, here by email.

Updated 6 April 2021.

Colloque > “The memory of the Napoleonic era in the past and today. A symposium on the bicentenary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte (1821-2021)”
14 and 15 May 2021

The papers will be in Polish.
Free attendance:  contact Marta Tomczak and Hubert Korzeniowski, the organisers of the symposium, to book your place, either by mail or via the symposium Facebook page.

Detailed programme forthcoming.


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PrEsentation of the history faculty of the university of Warsaw

The History Faculty of the University of Warsaw was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Marcel Handelsman, one of the most prominent Polish historians specialising in the Napoleonic period, and is one of the most prominent institutions dedicated to the teaching of history in Poland. The Faculty, which brings together the most distinguished Polish historians, is well known for its tradition of studies devoted to the Napoleonic era.

See the website of  History Faculty of the University of Warsaw (in English)