Participation of the Fondation Napoléon in the Olympiades de la jeunesse SMLH (Youth Games), May-September 2021

Participation of the Fondation Napoléon in the Olympiades de la jeunesse SMLH (Youth Games), May-September 2021

This year, 2021, the Société des membres de la Légion d’honneur [Society of the Members of the Légion d’honneur] celebrates the centenary of its creation by organising the Olympiades de la jeunesse [Youth Games] from May to September 2021.

These Olympiades are placed under the high patronage of Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic, with the support of the Military Governor of Paris.

This national event, for more than 1,000 young people, 128 teams from different departments, aims to:
● spread the values of solidarity among young French people from the departments of metropolitan France and overseas,
● mix and match profiles and cultures as well as generations,
● encourage young participants to take an interest in different cultural themes
● To make these young people ambassadors of the SMLH in their immediate environment,
● to make an impact on the minds of this thousand young people through attractive and structured activities.

The Fondation Napoléon will take part in the Youth Olympiades in its digital dimension (digital competition from 18 May to 15 September 2021: the Fondation Napoléon challenge is being finalised). It will also have a stand on Sunday 26 September 2021 from 9am to 5pm, at the Hôtel National des Invalides, where 6 teams of 6 to 8 young people will be invited to solve a historical challenge in 30 minutes.

Find out more aobut the Olympiades de la jeunesse (Youth Games)(link in French)
Website of the Olympiades de la jeunesse
Présentation in pdf format

2 June 2021