Winners of the Fondation Napoléon 2020 History Prizes and Study grants

The Board of Directors of the Fondation Napoléon having validated on 11 December 2019 the modification of the History Prize regulations, two Prizes are now awarded, namely a Grand Prix (5,000 euros) and a Jury Prize (3,500 euros).
Each year, up to eight study grants, each worth 7,500 euros, are awarded to PhD students preparing a thesis on a subject relating to the First Empire, the Second Empire, or more generally to the 19th century.
This year, the Jury of the Fondation Napoléon’s Prizes and Grants has chosen to recompense the following books and research topics.
The 2020 History Prizes
- The Fondation Napoléon Grand Prix 2020: Laëtitia de Witt, L’Aiglon [The Aiglon], Tallandier
- The Fondation Napoléon Jury Prize 2020: Cédric Lewandowski, Lucien Bonaparte, Passés/Composés
Read more about the prize-winning books
The 2020 Study Grants
- Pierre Coffy, Construire une capitale. Le laboratoire milanais dans l’Europe des révolutions et de l’Empire (1796-1814), [Building a capital. The Milan model in Revolutionary and Imperial Europe (1796-1814)]
- Maxime Delbarre, Les réfugiés polonais en France du Directoire au Consulat (1795-1804) [Polish refugees in France from the Directory to the Consulate (1795-1804)]
- Alain Rahier, Prisons pour militaires ou militaires en prison ? La justice militaire et ses détenus sous le Premier Empire (1804-1814) [Prisons for soldiers or soldiers in prison? Military justice and prisoners during the First Empire (1804-1814)]
- Dossier selected as part of the partnership between the Fondation Napoléon and the Russian Academy of Sciences: Victoria Verchenkova, L’affrontement entre la France et l’Angleterre en Méditerranée occidentale en 1793-1802 [The clash between France and Britain in the Mediterranean from 1793-1802]
- Maxime Michelet, L’Assemblée nationale législative (1849-1851) [The French legislative national Assembly (1849-1851)]
- Baptiste Roger-Lacan, Lire et écrire contre la Révolution (vers 1900- vers 1945) [Reading and writing against the Revolution (ca. 1900-1945)]
- Audrey Denis-Bosio, L’Archéologie nationale de Napoléon III, une institution au service du pays et de son histoire : innovation et développement de l’archéologie sous le Second Empire [Napoleon III’s ‘Archéologie Nationale”, an institution for the country and its history: innovation and development in archaeology during the Second Empire]
- Claire Du Pin de Beyssat, Les peintres de Salon et le succès. Réputations, carrières et reconnaissance artistiques après 1848 [Salon painters and success. Reputations, careers and artistic recognition after 1848]
The presentation of the 2020 History Prizes and study grants was initially scheduled to take place in early December 2020 at the Musée de l’Armée. Owing to the health-and-safety measures associated with covid-19, the ceremony has been postponed to a later date.
18 November 2020