Fondation Napoléon > Éric Anceau, new member of the Prizes and Grants Jury
At the invitation of the Foundation’s board of directors, Éric Anceau, lecturer at the Sorbonne and a great specialist in the history of the 19th century in general and of the Second Empire in particular, has accepted to be part of the jury for the Fondation Napoléon’s Prizes and grants.
Twenty years ago, Éric Anceau received the Second Empire Prize for two works of reference, the Dictionnaire des députés du Second Empire (Presses Universitaires de Rennes), and his thesis published by Éditions Champion, Les députés du Second Empire. Prosopographie d’une élite du XIXe siècle. He is the author of numerous books and articles, including Napoleon III. Un Saint-Simon à cheval (Tallandier, 2008 and 2012), which won the Drouyn de Lhuys prize from the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, and the Ajaccio City Memorial Prize. (see the list of his opus on wikipedia).
As well as being the Vice-president of the Comité d’histoire parlementaire et politique [Parliamentary and Political History Committee], Éric Anceau is also deputy director of the review Histoire, économie & société (The review of economic and social history from the 16th to the 20th century).
► presentation of the Fondation’s Prizes and Grants Jury.
Published 9 July 2020