Covid-19 > Cercle d’études: cancellation of our talk on 23 June

Covid-19 > Cercle d’études: cancellation of our talk on 23 June
The Salle Gourgaud: conferences, talks and film previews © Fondation Napoléon - Olivier Roques Rogery

Gradual “deconfinement” of the “Cercle” talks series.

The circumstances of the progressive “deconfinement” in France force us to cancel the talk that the excellent Adrian Almoguera was to give at the Cercle d’Etudes of Fondation Napoléon on 23 June. This young historian, currently a resident of the French School of Rome, will however come and talk to us at some time in the near future.

The programme of our “Cercle” should resume, if all goes well, next September.

More information about our talks programme.

published 7 May 2020