“Napoléon Ier ou la légende des arts” (Napoleon I or the legend of the Arts) extended until 9 August

“Napoléon Ier ou la légende des arts” (Napoleon I or the legend of the Arts) extended until 9 August

In the service of national prestige and of the glory of the Empire, the arts of the First Empire still bear witness to the taste both of a sovereign and of his time, and a source of inspiration for the periods which would follow, until the present day, both in France and Europe. This exhibition (produced by the Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais and the musée national du Palais de Compiègne, in collaboration with the Royal Castle of Warsaw) explores the legend of the Imperial arts from three main angles: the diversity of sytlistic sources; the “Empire style”; and the modernity of the creations of the period. The Fondation Napoléon is showing several pieces from its collection: part of the Empress Josephine’s Egyptian tea service (Manufacture de Sèvres, 1810), one of it masterpieces, the ‘Nécessaire’ belonging to the Duchesse d’Otrante (Martin-Guillaume Biennais, 1764-1843).

This exhibition takes place at the Musée national du palais de Compiègne, from 24 April to 27 July 2015. (extended until 9 August)

Have a look at the Press release of the exhibition (in French).