Thierry Lentz (Ed.), Marie-Pierre Rey (Ed.): 1812, la campagne de Russie (The Russian campaign)

2013lentzreyThe proceedings of the international symposium (organised in April 2012, by the Fondation Napoléon, the “Souvenir Napoléonien”, le “Centre de Recherches en Histoire des Slaves” (University of Paris I), and Archives diplomatiques), brought together many specialists of Napoleonic history, of Russian history, and of art history. The conference was designed to bring together knowledge about the Russian campaign, the reasons for its outbreak, its organization and its development, its impact in Europe, politically, economically, socially and culturally.

Foreword by Victor-André Masséna president of the Fondation Napoléon.
Contributions from Antoine d’Arjuzon, Valérie Bajou, Lucien Bély, Louis Bergès, Pierre Branda, Jean-Joël Brégeon, Jean-François Brun, David Chanteranne, Nicolas Dujin, Christian Fileaux, Jacques Garnier, Maya Goubina, Natalia Griffon de Pleineville, Patrice Gueniffey, Jacques Hantraye, Peter Hicks, François Houdecek, Jacques Jourquin, Michel Kerautret, Thierry Lentz, Andrzej Nieuwazny, Alain Pigeard, Chantal Prévot, Emmanuel Prunaux, Marie-Pierre Rey, Vladislav Rjeoutski, David Rouanet, and Alexandre Tchoudinov.

Paris: Editions of the Fondation Napoléon – éditions Perrin, 2012