Jean de La Tour: Duroc (1772-1813), Duc de Frioul, grand-maréchal du Palais (Duroc, Duke of Friuli, Grand Marshal of the Palace)

Exiled in St. Helena, Napoleon said of him: “His service was precise and regular; it was only when my day was completely closed and finished, when I was already resting, that his began. Duroc was pure, moral, totally disinterested in receiving, extremely generous in giving”. His duties as Grand Marshal of the Palace should not allow us to forget that he was also an outstanding fighter and a great diplomat. The Emperor rewarded his services by honouring him with the title of Duke of Friuli. Through his loyalty and skills, Duroc is one of the great figures of the epic.
This edition of the biography published in 1913 is presented by Jacques Jourquin.
Paris : Editions of the Fondation Napoléon – Nouveau Monde Editions, 2004, Series Études, 202 pages. Language: French.
To order visit the website Nouveau Monde Éditions.