Hervé Drévillon, Bertrand Fonck, Michel Roucaud (eds.): Guerres et armées napoléoniennes. Nouveaux regards (New Considerations on the Napoleonic Wars and Armies)
The diversity of the studies collected here bears witness to the great revitalization of historical research on the Grande Armée and the Napoleonic wars. They form an interdisciplinary dialogue, particularly between history and anthropology, and represent a totally new scale of analysis (looking at individuals, the details of campaigns and single battles); international exchanges inform views and logic of national scholarship; new sources are exploited and traditional sources re-read. This collection contains papers given at a conference on 30 November and 1 December 2012 held by the Service historique de la Défense at the École militaire of Paris and at the Château of Vincennes, in collaboration with the Institute of Strategic Research of the École militaire, the Fondation Napoléon and the École de guerre (military school). Paris: Fondation Napoléon – Nouveau Monde Editions, October 2013, Series Études. To order, click here: Nouveau Monde Editions.