E. Krettly, Y. Calvi, G. Bodinier: Souvenirs historiques du Capitaine Krettly (Historical Memoirs of Captain Krettly)

2003KrettlyPublished for the first time in 1839 and not reprinted for a century, the memoirs of Captain Elie Krettly are among the most reputed of the “Memoires d’anciens de la Grande Armée” as much for their content (due to the exceptional career of the author) as for their style, and, according to Jean Tulard, worthy of Alexandre Dumas.

The journalist Yves Calvi (France 5, Europe 1), a descendent of capitaine Krettly, presents this edition.

Paris: Editions of the Fondation Napoléon – Nouveau Monde Editions, 2003, Series Témoins, 240 pages. Language: French.

To order, visit the website Nouveau Monde Éditions.