2020: a new year message from a surprise guest…

HE’s back!

Or rather, Frank Samson is back, Napoleon I’s dead ringer, who played the Emperor with uncanny precision in most of the bicentennaries between 2005 and 2015. He has very kindly agreed to make one more come-back, so as to convey a new year message on behalf of the Fondation Napoléon.

Video details:

– © Studio M Paganon
– © Esda Photographie
– Boulogne, 2012 © Association 1804
– © Luc Pottiez Musique: Extract from “Vivat in aeternum” by Nicolas [Abbé] Roze (1745-1819), composed for La messe du sacre de Napoléon Ier at Notre Dame in December 1804 (recorded at the Festival de la Chaise Dieu in 1995 with the support of the Fondation Napoléon).

→ In 2015, at the height of his ten-year career, Frank Samson gave an interview to napoleon.org shortly before the bicentennary of the Battle of Waterloo.  He retired from this shortly afterwards.

20 December, 2019