Research Grants 2022

In 2022, the Fondation Napoléon Prize and Scholarship jury awarded scholarships to the following PhD students:

Shandiva Banerjee, La police des Noirs. Administrer les gens de couleur en France métropolitaine (1777-1848). [Administering people of colour in metropolitan France (1777-1848)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Vincent Denis (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)

, Les hôtels particuliers parisiens des Bonaparte du Directoire à l’Empire, entre continuités et réinventions des résidences nobiliaires de l’Ancien Régime [The Parisian town houses of the Bonapartes from the Directory to the Empire, continuities and reinventions of the noble residences of the Ancien Régime]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jean-Philippe Garric (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)

Pauline GUYOT, Collections et intérieurs du demi-monde au XIXᵉ siècle, culture matérielle d’une ambition sociale. [Collections and interiors of the demi-monde in the XIX century, material culture of a social ambition]. Thesis supervised by prof. Bertrand Tillier (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)

Elsa JAMET, Au cœur du système haussmannien : Henri Blondel (1821-1897), architecte, entrepreneur et financier. [At the heart of the Haussmann system: Henri Blondel (1821-1897), architect, entrepreneur and financier]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jean-Baptiste Minnaert (Sorbonne University)

Lucie PROHIN, Exposer l’habitat ouvrier en Europe : le développement d’une culture architecturale transnationale (1851-1913). [Exposing working-class housing in Europe: the development of a transnational architectural culture (1851-1913)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jean-Philippe Garric (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)

Abdelhamid DRIRA, Albert de Biberstein Kazimirski (1808-1887) : Fleuron de l’orientalisme franco-polonais. [Albert de Biberstein Kazimirski (1808-1887) : Flagship of Franco-Polish orientalism.] Thesis under the supervision of prof. Jacques-Olivier Boudon (Sorbonne University)

Bettina FREDERKING, La France coupable ? The Restoration or “the impossible oblivion”. Thesis supervised by prof. Patrice Gueniffey (EHESS)► (in French)

Read the résumés of these PhD topics (in French)

9 November 2022