2021 Année Napoléon > The Île-de-France Delegation of the Souvenir Napoléonien

As part of the commemoration of the death of Napoleon I in 1821, the Île-de-France delegation of Souvenir napoléonien will organise regional events.
This information was updated on 13 January 2020.
For any further information, please visit the Souvenir napoléonien’s website and the Île-de-France delegation’s page in particular.
22 rue du Mont Cenis
75018 Paris
06 30 60 92 51
Programme of the 2021 talks organised by the Cercle d’études at the Fondation Napoléon, in collaboration with the Île-de-France delegation of Souvenir napoléonien):
– Postponed to a later date – Tuesday 19 January: Pierre Branda. “Napoleon on St Helena, between hope and tragedy”.
– Postponed to a later date – Tuesday 9 February: Jacques-Olivier Boudon: “Napoleon and Women”.
– Tuesday 16 March: Patrice Gueniffey. “Napoleon and the sea”.
– Tuesday 13 April: Charles-Eloi Vial. “The unpublished archives of the Hundred Days”.
– Tuesday 25 May: Thierry Lentz. “For Napoleon”.
– Tuesday 8 June: Jean Tulard. “How to get rich under Napoleon”.
Registration details to come
GENERAL Information
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PrEsentation of THE Souvenir Napoléonien
The Souvenir Napoléonien was created on 27 December 1937 and is the largest Napoleonic association in Europe, registered as a non-profit on 5 November 1982.
Throughout France and in certain European countries, the Souvenir Napoléonien organises various cultural events, always with the desire to share and enjoy the history of the First Empire and the Second Empire. These two periods form the foundations of modern France, in terms of institutions, law, education, culture, town planning and landscape art. Study of all areas contributes to an understanding of France’s specific identity and its place in Europe and the world.
With to its delegations spread throughout France and Europe, the association Le Souvenir Napoléonien represents 83 years of research and voluntary activities related to the two Empires covering more than a century of French history.