2021 Année Napoléon > NAPOCTEP

The European inter-regional Spain-Portugal project NAPOCTEP aims to promote the cultural heritage of the Napoleonic era through the creation of itineraries in the area covering the Centro region of Portugal (Beira and Serra da Estela) and the Spanish region of Castilla y León. On the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death, the project has joined the “2021 Année Napoléon” label.

This information was updated on 6 April 2021.

For further information, please consult the website of the projet NAPOCTEP.

NAPOCTEP project routes

(Some itineraries are not yet available in English; others are being developed).


List of partners of “2021 Année Napoléon”.

Calendar of Events.

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on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death.

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PrEsentation OF THE NAPOCTEP Projet

NAPOCTEP is a European inter-regional Spain-Portugal project (INTERREG POCTEP) that aims to promote the cultural heritage of the Napoleonic era through the creation of itineraries in the area that covers the Centro region of Portugal (Beira and Serra da Estela) and the Spanish region of Castilla y León, in order to create an innovative and attractive tourist product that generates economic activity and employment.
This project is expected to last two years (2019-2021), with a total investment of 711,000 euros, co-financed by the European Commission under the INTERREG POCTEP programme.
The cross-border consortium is led by CIM Regiao de Coimbra (PT) and formed by the regional government of Castilla y León (Fundación Siglo-ES), the Ministry (SEGITTUR-ES), Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio (ES), Turismo Centro de Portugal (PT), CIM Beiras e Serra da Estrela (PT), Rota Historica Linhas de Torre (PT), and the private foundation FINNOVA (www.finnova.eu).

The project has recently been included under the label “Destination Napoleon“, a Council of Europe cultural route.
Until 2021, these entities will work in partnership to protect and valorise the cultural and natural heritage of the French invasions and the Peninsular War as an axis of regional development. To this end, seven different itineraries of a common route will be designed with the collaboration of other agents, companies and entities of the sector.
The final objective will be to add value to the historical heritage, to create a recognised tourist product, to organise the agenda of leisure activities, markets, conferences and thematic events, to provide public and private networking cooperation, to integrate other agents of the territory, to unify branding, signposting and product marketing in the national and international markets

For more information and to understand the project (website available in Spanish, Portuguese and English).