2021 Année Napoléon > La Poste (French postal Service)
In 2021, La Poste Group will issue a set of two stamps and a presentation sheet to commemorate the death of Napoleon I in 1821 on St Helena.
This information was updated on 9 June 2021.
Edition of special Bicentenary stamps
► Read the press release and the presentation of the special bicentenary stamp block
► Preview sale on Saturday 17 April:
The block of stamps Napoleon I (1769-1821) will be on sale on Saturday 17 April in Ajaccio, Fontainebleau and Paris :
Due to the health context, the institutional presentation and the First Day office of 17/04 in Ajaccio are postponed to May (date to be defined later).
Institutional presentation of the stamp:
Due to the health context, the official presentation of the stamp by Pascal MARIANI, Regional Director of La Poste Group, will not be open to the public. Due to take place on Saturday 17 April at the Ajaccio Tourist Office, in the presence of local elected officials, it has been postponed to May.
The Ajaccio Philatelic Association and its president Jean-Claude LEROY will present 3 exhibitions devoted to the life of Napoleon I, the Egyptian campaign and Napoleonic battles.
Temporary First Day Office :
A temporary First Day office due to be held on Saturday 17 April from 8am to 1pm outside, on the Square Campinchi, opposite the Tourist Office, has been postponed to May.
Two philatelic associations – including Philapostel Ajaccio – are taking part in this First Day alongside the agents of the Ajaccio Saint-Gabriel Post Office.
This temporary office will allow collectors to have the block of stamps stamped with the special First Day cover postmark.
Following the evolution of the health situation and the announcements concerning the confinement in Ile-de-France, the institutional presentation of the stamp at Fontainebleau is unfortunately cancelled.
The First Day cover postmark will be available at the Fontainebleau post office, Place Napoléon Bonaparte, on Saturday 17 April from 9am to 12.30pm.
The First Day postmark will be available at the Carré d’Encre, from 10am to 5pm, 13 bis rue des Mathurins, Paris 9th arrondissement.
Following the evolution of the health situation and the announcements concerning the confinement in Ile-de-France, the signing session of Sophie BEAUJARD is unfortunately cancelled.

Issue of a postage stamp for the Principality of Andorra
► Preview sale on 17 June 2021
The First Day Cover stamp, designed by Louis Genty, will be available:
– in Paris (75), at Carré d’Encre, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 13 bis rue des Mathurins, 75009 Paris ( France)
– in the Principality of Andorra, at the post office, 1 carrer Père d’Urg, Andorra la Vella

► More information (in French) about this stamp
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PrEsentation OF THE group La Poste
La Poste Group is a 100% state-owned company that has had a legal monopoly on the printing of French stamps for nearly two centuries.
Thanks to its printing plant located in Boulazac (Dordogne), Philaposte today manufactures all stamps and franking products for France (500 million stamps from books of correspondence or the philatelic programme) and also works for foreign partners. It is also developing in the traceability and identification market, which requires secure printing methods: traceability labels for tobacco and food, official identity documents, car labels, tax stamps, cheque books, etc.
Find all the activity of French philatelic issues on: www.lecarredencre.fr