Digital Library
The documents digitised by the Fondation Napoléon (listed here) are full searchable, and any images can be viewed using the high resolution zoom feature.
The documents digitised by the Fondation Napoléon (listed here) are full searchable, and any images can be viewed using the high resolution zoom feature.
This is a historical and military guide to the battlefield, written on the site of the Carré de Cambronne, behind the Belle-Alliance, on the 31st March 1896. It is illustrated with diagrams and sixty drawings, and it includes a precise and detailed itinerary relating the military manoeuvres as well as the men who participated in the battle. It describes the villages that witnessed the clash between armies, and the whole text is dotted with anecdotes. For example, did you know that Wellington’s horse, named Copenhague, who fought 17 hours of straight combat, died from indigestion brought on by a chocolate pudding? This guide, dedicated to the immortal memory of the Grande Armée, can usefully be consulted when attempting to understand not only how Waterloo played out but also the impact of the battle in the following years.
Recueil méthodique et raisonné des lois, décrets, arrêtés, règlements et instructions actuellement en vigueur sur toutes les branches de l’état militaire.