Lending Requests

Demande de Pret Photo Ecritoire

The Fondation Napoleon is fortunate to participate regularly in exhibitions the world over. Since the 1990s, we have lent objects to some of the world’s most respected museums.

If you are organising an exhibition about the history of the two Empires, we would be happy to discuss this will you and are available to discuss technicalities or the possibility of lending an object.

You can view the complete catalogue of our collection online.

In order to borrow one or more of the objects in our collection your request must satisfy certain conditions, which are listed in the following document.

Our lending conditions (in French)

If you think your request satisfies these conditions, you can send us a lending request using the following form.

English/French form for loan requests

If you receive a positive response, we will write up a lending contract with your institution, similar to the following example:

Example of lending contract (in French)

► For any further information, please contact us.

Photo: Campaign writing set belonging to Maréchal Lannes given by Napoleon Bonaparte, Donated by Prince Albert of Monaco © Fondation Napoléon – Thomas Hennocque