Patronage granted by the Fondation Napoléon in 2024

In 2024, the Board of Directors of the Fondation Napoléon granted the following patronage awards:
– funding for a cultural project entitled Musiques, danses et théâtre sous la Révolution et l’Empire [‘Music, dance and theatre during the Revolution and Empire’], at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Intercommunal in Kremlin-Bicêtre
– aid to finance the restoration of the carpet from the Emperor’s bathroom at the Château de Rambouillet, Centre des Monuments Nationaux
– assistance with the acquisition of a work by Eugène Isabey, Matelots saluant le Christ en sortant du port de Saint-Valery-en Caux, Musée de la Marine
– support for the publication of Au cœur du blocus d’Anvers, 1814. Chronique d’une ville en état de siège, Les nouvelles éditions du Poutan
– funding for a documentary study entitled ‘Mer des Pertuis, site de la bataille de l’île d’Aix (1809)’, ADRAMAR – Association pour le développement de la recherche en archéologie maritime.
The Fondation Napoléon will provide financial assistance to certain delegations of the Souvenir Napoléonien for the organisation of local projects:
– Belgium delegation: Exposition Cheval [Horse exhibition]
– Normandy delegation: Imperial weekend at Val de la Haye
– Lorraine delegation: Vandoeuvre in the Napoleonic era
– PACA delegation: funding assistance for the delegation’s programming
– Midi-Pyrénées delegation: funding for a symposium about the Larrey dynasty organised by the Association des Amis du Baron Larrey
– Île-de-France delegation: funding for an educational game for families
– Lyon delegation: ‘Eroïca! Variations for piano on the theme of Beethoven’s Eroica symphony’.
Finally, it was decided to award a 3rd grant to the Cinémathèque française for the restoration of the Apollo version of Abel Gance’s film Napoléon.
First published in French on 17 December 2024