The Fondation Napoléon 2024 History Prizes and Study grant awards ceremony

The 45th award ceremony for the Fondation Napoléon History Prizes, created in 1978, and the 33rd award ceremony for the Fondation Napoléon Ph.D. Grants, created in 1993, was held on Thursday 11 December 2024. The prizes were not awarded in 1981 and 1994.
At this ceremony were therefore awarded the 104th and 105th History Prizes. And the ceremony brought the total number of Fondation Napoléon doctoral fellowship winners to 187.
Past recipients of the grants include: Éric Anceau (1993), Natalie Petiteau (1994), Laetitia de Witt (1998), David Chaillou (1999), Walter Bruyère-Ostells (2001), Yves Bruley (2003), Jean-Philippe Rey (2007), Xavier Mauduit (2008), Charles-Éloi Vial (2010), and others. Many of the prize-winners have gone on to brilliant careers as authors and academics.
The winners of the 2024 History Prizes:
♦ Fondation Napoléon History Prize: Florence de Baudus for her book Servir l’Empereur ou trahir la France? (Éditions Passés/Composés)
♦ Jury Prize: Éric Ledru, for the entire body of his work.
The 2024 grant winners and their thesis topics:
♦ Constance MARQ, From antiquity to the contemporary: the journey of English architects to France between 1802 and 1834. Thesis supervised by profs. Dana Arnold and Jean-Philippe Garric (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne).
♦ Sophie RECORDIER, Joseph Chinard (1756-1813) : a Lyon sculptor. Thesis supervised by prof. Barthélémy Jobert (Sorbonne University)
♦ ‘MINOU AMIR-ASLANI’ grant 2024: Clément EOCHE-DUVAL, The Imperial Guard of the Second Empire. Thesis supervised by prof. Éric Anceau (University of Lorraine)
♦ Margherita ACCIARO, ‘I bimbi d’Italia si chiaman Balilla’. Youth participation in the revolutions of 1848 in Italy, between practices, narratives and images. Thesis supervised by profs. Gian Luca Fruci and Emmanuel Fureix (University of Pisa, Italy and Université Paris Est-Créteil).
♦ Léo BECKA, The scientific invention of the North. Around the French scientific expeditions of the 1830s. Thesis supervised by profs. Julien Vincent and Jean-Luc Chappey (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
♦ Federica MANCINI, Drawing power. Democratisation and global diffusion of uniforms embroidered by the Picot-Brocard workshop in the nineteenth century. Thesis supervised by prof. Thierry Sarmant (CY Cergy Paris Université)
♦ Adélaïde MARINE-GOUGEON, Colonials on the move: imperial strategies of white Creoles in Martinique in the nineteenth century. Thesis supervised by profs. Jacques-Olivier Boudon and Myriam Cottias (Sorbonne University)
13 December 2024