Fondation Napoléon History Prizes and Research Grants 2023

Fondation Napoléon History Prizes and Research Grants 2023
Winners of the Study Grants and History Prizes awarded by the Fondation Napoléon in 2023, with its president, Victor-André Masséna, Prince d'Essling © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young

The Fondation Napoléon 2023 prizes and scholarships were awarded on 6 December at the “Hôtel de Sully” in Paris, the headquarters of the Centre des Monuments Nationaux since 1967.

This year’s prize-winning authors were:

• Grand Prix 2023 > Jean-François BRUN, La Grande Armée. Analyse d’une machine de guerre [La Grande Armée: Analysis of a war machine], Éditions Pierre de Taillac

• Prix du Jury 2023 > Michel BERNARD, Hiver 1812. Retraite de Russie [Winter 1812: the Russian Retreat], Éditions Perrin

Read a summary of these works in English


Seven study grants were also awarded:

  • Amin BENYOUCEF, Le financement des infrastructures de transport pendant la Révolution française et le Premier Empire [Financing transportation infrastructure during the French Revolution and First Empire]. Thesis supervised by prof. Anne Conchon (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
  • Yan DEMANGE, Le poids géopolitique du Royaume de Saxe dans la construction de l’Allemagne napoléonienne (1789-1815) [The geopolitical weight of the Kingdom of Saxony in the construction of Napoleonic Germany (1789-1815)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jacques-Olivier Boudon (Sorbonne University)
  • Juliette MILLERON-BESENVAL, L’imprimerie nationale au travail (1793-1830) [The French National Printing Office at work (1793-1830)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Anne Conchon (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
  • Pauline TEYSSIER, Encadrer et soigner la folie: une histoire politique, matérielle et sociale de l’hôpital de Charenton (1797-1825) [Managing and caring for madness: a political, material, and social history of the Charenton hospital (1797-1825)]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jean-Luc Chappey (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
  • Artem USHAKOV, Godefroy Cavaignac: biographie d’une légende républicaine oubliée [Godefroy Cavaignac: Biography of a forgotten republican legend]. Thesis supervised by prof. Jacques-Olivier Boudon and Éric Anceau (Sorbonne University)
  • “MINOU AMIR-ASLANI” grant 2023: Chloé CHATRIAN, Les enfants combattants dans les armées françaises au XIXe siècle : expériences et représentations [Child combatants in 19th-century French armies: experiences and representations]. Thesis supervised by prof. Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
  • Baptiste DUMAS-PIRO, Le comte de Rambuteau, préfet de la Seine, et le patrimoine parisien (1833-1848): les ambitions d’une politique édilitaire à l’échelle de la capitale [The Count of Rambuteau, Prefect of the Seine, and Parisian heritage (1833-1848): the ambitions of a capital-wide educational policy]. Thesis supervised by prof Barthélémy Jobert (Sorbonne University)

► Read the résumés of these PhD topics (in French)

published 8 December 2023