Patronage in 2022 by the Fondation Napoléon

The board of directors of the Fondation Napoléon made the following grants in 2022:
Assistance with the publication of the book Napoléon III à Fontainebleau (editions Le Charmoiset).
Help in restoring the Foyer des Invalides, Hôtel National des Invalides.
Help in restoring the bathroom of the Château de Rambouillet, in partnership with the Centre for National Monuments.
Help with the organisation of the “Journées Impériales” in Aix les Bains, organised by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Dauphiné Savoie delegation.
Assistance with the publication of the proceedings of the conference Napoleon III et l’économie, held in May 2022 at the Citéco Cité de l’Économie (CNRS éditions).
Help with the publication of Chroniques de1870: Documents inédits sur la guerre franco-prussienne, eight exclusive civil and military revelations, held at the Service Historique de la Défense [The historical service for the French Defence Department] and published by Pierre de Taillac Editions.Assistance with the publishing of Mémoires du general de Puniet de Montfort; making it possible to retrace the training and campaign efforts of an engineering officer during the Revolution and the Empire (project co-directed by the Service Historique de la Défense and Pierre de Taillac Editions)
Assistance in publishing the book Le domaine imperial de Biarritz(edition Flammarion); Napoleon III’s urban planning project ambition, still visible today, for this city.
Help with the publication of the Complete correspondence between Marie Bonaparte and Sigmund Freud (Flammarion edition).
Assistance in financing the Napoleonic Days of Plessis-Bourré (weekend of historical reenactments) co-orgabised by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Val-de-Loire delegation.
Help in financing “L’Histoire racontée aux enfants”; a day presenting the life of Captain Jobert to children, organised by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Normandy delegation.
Assistance in financing the play Le Sacre [The coronation] presented by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Nice-Alpes Maritimes delegation.
Help in financing the conference “Marseille, ville impériale”, on the two Empires, the Bonapartes in Marseille, the illustrious figures, the daily life of the Marseillais, as well as urban and architectural achievements. Event co-directed by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur delegation.
Help in financing immersive history presentations to primary school students “L’Empire en classe”, by Le Tamanoir ASBL. Event co-directed by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Belgian delegation.
Assistance publishing the book Dans les pas de Napoléon en region centre Val-de-Loire. Guide published by Le Souvenir Napoléonien – Berry Val-de-Loire delegation.
Assistance with the acquisition of the positive sculpture of Emperor Napoleon I for the town of Châteauroux, requested by Le Souvenir
First published in French on 13 December 2022