Obituary > Dr Lemaire (1930-2021)

Jean-François Lemaire died on 3 September at the age of 92. This student and friend of Jean Tulard was a medical doctor and had a Phd in history. In addition to his activities as a medical expert, he lectured on medicine in the 19th century at the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes from 1989 to 2001. He was an award-winner of the Académie française, several times laureate of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques and of the Académie Nationale de Médecine, and he was also awarded the Fondation Napoléon History Prize in 1999.
He joined the jury of the Fondation’s History Prizes and Grants ten years ago and has been a member ever since. He has left some important historical works, including several “Napoleonic” books: La médecine napoléonienne [“Napoleonic medicine”] (Nouveau Monde-Fondation Napoléon, 2003), Les blessés dans les armées napoléoniennes [“The wounded in the Napoleonic armies”] (Lettrage Distribution, 1999, winner of the 1999 History Prize of the Fondation Napoléon), Jean-François Coste, Premier médecin des armées de Napoléon [“Jean-François Coste First doctor of Napoleon’s armies”] (Stock, 1997), Napoléon et la médecine [“Napoleon and medicine”] (François Bourin, 1992), Portraits croisés de Thomas Jefferson et Napoléon Bonaparte: la cession de la Louisiane [Comparative portraits of Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte: the Louisiana Purchase] as well as dozens of articles and contributions.
To his family and friends, the Fondation Napoléon offers its sincere condolences.
16 September 2021