Obituary >Thierry Choffat (1968-2021)

We were saddened to learn of the death of Thierry Choffat on 7 September at the age of 53. He was a lecturer in social law at the University of Lorraine, but also one of the best specialists in the history of Bonapartism after Sedan and had published numerous articles and books, including Les Francs-Comtois et l’Empire (2004), Les Comtois de Napoléon (2010), Les origines bonapartistes de la Participation (2013), Le mouvement bonapartiste de 1870 à 2014 (2014), Michel Ney, le Brave des Braves (2015), Drouot, Le Sage de la Grande armée (2019, in collaboration with his inseparable friend Marin Menzin).

In addition to his intellectual and teaching activities, he had been involved for a long time in associative activities, the Souvenir Napoléonien – where he held important positions – and in the Vosges Napoléoniennes, which he led with dedication and enthusiasm. Always on the move, teeming with ideas and projects, Thierry Choffat leaves a huge void in the institutions to which he was committed.
The Fondation Napoléon offers its sincere condolences to his wife, his children and his family.