2021 Année Napoléon > The AASCAR Association

In 2021, the AASCAR Association will celebrate the bicentenary of Napoleon I’s death.

In this context, the “Isla Cabrera” mission offers an unprecedented focus on the First Empire and its wars, a short but crucial period in European history. While archaeology helps to move battles from the realm of mythology to that of history, it also often reveals less well-known episodes. This is the case with the sites captivity that followed the battles, a new subject of investigation for archaeology.

See here for details of the Cabrera project (in French)

Updated 10 November 2020.

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PrEsentation of AASCAR

AASCAR is a French non-profit (law of 1901) created in 2020 in the Hauts-de-France region. Its vocation is the study of the archaeological remains and tangible traces of contemporary military conflicts. It brings together academic researchers (in particular from INRAP) or independent researchers who intervene in France and abroad in the framework of specific missions. It is the result of an informal collective set up in the early 2000s to promote an archaeology of the wars of the First Empire. AASCAR favours anthropological interpretation, multi-scalar analyses and source-based study. The research carried out by AASCAR attempts to understand the condition of the soldier through the study of camps, battlefields, and places of captivity. It also aims to characterise the material culture of the combattants. The AASCAR teams work within the strict framework of scientific neutrality and strictly adhere to the rules of the archaeological discipline.