Musée > Élisabeth Caude, new director of the national museums of the châteaux de Malmaison and Bois-Préau, and the napoleonic and african museums on the île d’Aix and the Maison Bonaparte at Ajaccio.

Élisabeth Caude, director of the Musée National des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau, 2020 © Christian MilletFollowing the decree of 27 October 2020, Elisabeth Caude has been appointed director of four French national museums, namely: the National Museum of the Chateaux of Malmaison and of Bois-Préau; the Napoleonic and African museums on the island of Aix and the museum of the Bonaparte house in Ajaccio (Corsica).

Archivist-palaeographer and general heritage curator, Élisabeth Caude, was previously curator at the Château de Compiègne. She was posted to the Musée National des châteaux de Malmaison and Bois-Préau from 2008 to 2014, then was mainly responsible for the “Furniture and Objets d’Art” collections at the Musée National des châteaux de Versailles and Trianon.

She succeeds Amaury Lefébure, who had been director since 2008.

-> Read the press release (in French) from the French Ministry of Culture (10 November 2020).

-> Read the presentation of Élisabeth Caude’s career (in French) on the website of the Châteaux de Malmaison and Bois-Préau.


13 November 2020