Cercle d’études at the Fondation Napoléon: Autumn 2020 programme

LATEST UPDATE (29 October 2020) > We regret to inform you that in accordance with the health and safety measures announced by the French President on Wednesday 27 October 2020, the Fondation Napoléon is no longer able to welcome visitors to its premises until further notice.
As a result, the remaining talks of our Cercle d’Etudes have been cancelled until the end of the year.
The Cercle d’études Autumn 2020 programme will begin on Tuesday 15 September 2020, at 18:00, with a talk on “Lucien Bonaparte, un prince républicain,” [Lucien Bonaparte, a republican prince] by Cédric Lewandowski.
This will be followed by seven further talks:
- Tuesday 22 September 2020, at 6pm, Napoléon à l’école de l’Action française dans Jacques Bainville [Jacques Bainville’s Napoleon (1931) and the Action française], by Baptiste Roger-Lacan
- Tuesday 6 October 2020, at 6pm, “Milano Capitale”. Du Foro Bonaparte à la Pianta dei Rettifili [“Milano Capitale”. From the Foro Bonaparte to the Pianta dei Rettifili], by Pierre Coffy
- Tuesday 13 October 2020, at 6pm, Adolphe Goupil, un éditeur et marchand d’art au service du bonapartisme? [Adolphe Goupil, a publisher and art dealer in the service of Bonapartism?], by Dorothée Lanno
- Tuesday 27 October 2020, at 6pm, Un grand dîner sous l’Empire: comment la cour, l’aristocratie et la noblesse dînaient-ils? [A grand dinner in the time of the Empire: how did the court, the aristocracy and the nobility dine?], by Karolina Stefanski
- Tuesday 3 November 2020, at 6pm, Napoléon et Dieu: un rendez-vous manqué? [Napoleon and God; two ships that passed in the night?], by Marie Courtemanche
- Tuesday 17 November 2020, at 6pm, L’Impératrice et le gynécologue: vie et oeuvre du baron Antoine Dubois [The Empress and the gynaecologist: the life and work of Baron Antoine Dubois], by Jan Boostels
- Tuesday 1 December 2020, at 6pm, Un libéral entre deux Empires: François Guizot [A liberal between two Empires: François Guizot], by Laurent Theis
- Tuesday 15 December 2020, at 6pm, in partnership with the Institut Catholique de Vendée, Le recrutement des équipages de la flotte de guerre au temps de Napoléon [The recruitment of crews for the war fleet in the time of Napoleon], by Thierry Sauzeau
Click here for a detailed programme (in French)
The talks are open to all and free of charge. Registration required before the event. Click here to learn more.
Published: 23 June 2020