Cancellation of the commemorative mass (5 May 2020) at Les Invalides > a message from Prince Napoléon

Cancellation of the commemorative mass (5 May 2020) at Les Invalides > a message from Prince Napoléon
The tomb of Napoleon I in the crypt of the Dome Church at the Hôtel des Invalides, tomb built 1842-1853 by Louis Tullius Joachim Visconti (1791-1853) © Musée de l'Armée-RMN Grand Palais, Emilie Cambier


Dear Friends,

Given the extraordinary crisis currently facing France, and in concertation with the governor of Les Invalides and the director of the Musée de l’Armée, we have decided exceptionally to cancel the mass celebrated every year on 5 May in the Cathedral of Saint-Louis des Invalides, in memory of the Emperor Napoleon I and the soldiers who died for France.

I am especially aware of all those who have lost members of their family or who have suffered serious loss from the economic effects of the virus. None of us can fully express our thankfulness to all the medical professionals in France, and around the world, fighting on the front line for us all, tirelessly dedicated to saving lives.

I am absolutely certain that together we can beat this virus, and I put all my trust in the strength of heart and community spirit of the French in bearing up in these difficult times, as we have always done in the past. We must all keep our vigilance in our social distancing and in simply staying at home.

This is why, on 5 May this year, I invite you to join me in praying not only for the Emperor Napoleon I and all the soldiers who died for France but also for our compatriots suffering from the virus and for our health professionals.

Together we will beat it. And I look forward to coming together once again after the last ‘all clear’!

With my heartfelt best wishes,

Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoléon


published 15 April 2020