Modification of the application guidelines for History Prizes and Study Grants

The Board of Directors of the Fondation Napoléon, which met on 24 June 2015, has adjusted the Application guidelines for History Prizes and Study Grants, namely the expansion of the historical periods concerned by the First and Second Empire prizes. The first paragraph of Article I of the Regulations therefore now reads, (changes in bold):

“As part of its mission to encourage research and public interest in the history of the two empires, every year an independent jury composed of some of the best First and Second Empire historians awards in the name of the Fondation Napoléon three history prizes.

These prizes, each of 5,000 Euros, are awarded (respectively) to:

• a work in French on the history of the Consulate and the First Empire or possibly the period of the French Revolution at the end of the July Monarchy;

• a work in French on the history of the Second Republic, the Second Empire, or possibly the period from the end of the Second Empire to the present day, in the case where the theme that is treated is related to Bonapartism or the history of the Imperial family;

View in full the Application guidelines (in French)