Napoleonica La Revue: n° 21 / Military History

Issue 21 of Napoleonica.La Revue has just come out. Guest-edited by François Houdecek and Alexander Mikaberidze, its overarching theme is prisoners of war during the Napoleonic period:

– Éditorial/Editorial, by François Houdecek, Alexander Mikaberidze

Russian Prisoners of War after the Battle of Austerlitz, by Alexander Mikaberidze

Aux mains des Britanniques et des Espagnols. La captivité des soldats et des officiers français au Royaume-Uni et dans la péninsule ibérique, by Stéphane Calvet

Napoleon’s Lost Legions. The Grande Armée Prisoners of War in Russia, by Alexander Mikaberidze

Le gouvernement de Louis XVIII et le retour des prisonniers de guerre français en Russie 1814-1816, by François Houdecek

– Charitable Connections: Transnational Financial Networks and Relief for British Prisoners of War in Napoleonic France, 1803-1814 by Élodie Duché

The Release of Prisoners of War from Britain in 1813 and 1814 by Paul Chamberlain

A Long Road Home”: Russian Prisoners in France, 1799-1801 by Eman M. Vovsi.

Read issue 21, free, on the social sciences web platform

Founded in 2008, Napoleonica.La Revue is an open access e-journal, publishing articles in English and French three times a year on subjects related to the First and Second French Empires.