Napoleon and Paris: dream of a capital

This exhibition at the Musée Carnavelet entitled ‘Napoleon and Paris: The Dreams of a Capital’, part of the ‘Napoleon season’, is to last five months. From his time as general, ordering the cannon fire at Saint-Roch in 1795, his coronation in Notre-Dame in 1804, and finally his abdication at the Élysée Palace in 1815, Paris was the backdrop of several important events in Napoleon’s life.
Included amongst the very beautiful loans by museums and other cultural institutions is Madame Bérenger’s train, worn at the Emperor’s coronation (a piece from the Fondation Napoleon’s collection). The Fondation’s objects are set in dialogue with the objects from the Musée Carnavet’s collection, with the aim of illustrating the splendour that was Paris at the beginning of the nineteenth century for the visitor and the glory (and fête) that was the imperial court.
Place: Musée Carnavalet – History of Paris, Paris
Dates: 8th April – 30th August 2015