Thierry Lentz, director of the Fondation Napoléon, is made Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur

On 30 March 2015, Professor Jean Tulard of the Institut presented Thierry Lentz, the Fondation Napoléon’s director, with the medal of Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur. The ceremony was held at the Museum of the Legion of Honour in the presence of numerous personalities, including General Georgelin, the Grand Chancelier de la Légion d’honneur, the Chancelier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, Monsieur Gabriel de Broglie, the Chancelier de l’Institut de France and the President of the Fondation Napoléon, Victor-André Masséna, Prince of Essling.

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Read Thierry’s acceptance speech (in French).